How to Care For Diamond Rings 365 Days a YearHow to Care For Diamond Rings 365 Days a YearOn Friday, July 23rd, 2010 at 5:22 pm, 4 Comments »
Wearing a diamond 365 days a year, can mean a diamond comes in contact with harmful dirt and When diamonds are dropped on a hard surface they do not usually break, however, they do on the odd occasion. Thus, it’s best to be very careful with diamonds and make sure any diamond jewellery is securely in place. It is more likely, when jewellery is dropped onto a hard surface that the diamonds may come dislodged, or the mount may be damaged. So if you do accidently drop your jewellery, make sure the diamond and all other gemstones are still securely in place and the fitting is free of any damage. If you wear any other rings next to a diamond ring, abrasion may occur, as a diamond in direct contact with another diamond or gemstone will rub away at the other stone. Eventually, your diamond may also be slightly worn down if they have been placed together for far too long. Wearing two rings very close together can cause the abrasion of metal as well, which may mean you will have to replace the metal eventually. So, it’s probably best if you plan to wear your rings 365 days a year to wear them on opposite hands or a few fingers apart. There are a number of materials that can be used to clean diamonds and their mount, including soapy water, some detergents and alcohol. Avoid abrasive substances, which will damage your ring. Diamond rings attract grease, and after a while if not cleaned they will become dull and unclean from dirt, grease and dead skin. It is recommended that you avoid wearing the ring whilst doing the washing up, as the grease will automatically cling to the diamond, making it dull and grease ridden. To let the sparkle come back, just give the ring a regular clean. When cleaning your ring, you must be careful what cleaner you use, as some metals become agitated by certain chemicals. Check with jewellery stores what cleaners you can use on the ring, or buy purposeful jewellery cleaners, which are available from jewelers. Interested in diamonds, have a look at 365 diamond at Leave a Comment4 Responses to “How to Care For Diamond Rings 365 Days a Year”Leave a Reply to Jayne |
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